vrijdag 9 januari 2015

False Flag Operations

The Crisis Route to the New World Order…

“All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
Rahm Emanuel said,
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
In the Project for a New American Century document Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century we find the following:
“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.” [1]
False Flag (choreographed catastrophes) operations have been used for generations for various motives:
  • the seizure of additional land and/or natural/mineral resources (domestic or foreign)
  • the acquisition of cheap labor
  • economic destabilization
  • the military depopulation of indigenous populations
  • the destruction of religious or political ideologies
  • the establishment of political tyranny or a coup d'état (as experienced after 9/11with the establishment of the PATRIOT Act and the Department of Homeland Security)
  • to assist an allegedly threatened ally
  • to protect U.S. citizens living in a foreign country
The foundational factor in the majority of all false flag operations is the imposition of greater restrictions on worldwide residential populations in order to implement internationalism or globalism, formerly known as the utopian New World Order under the direction of an elite hierarchy.
False flag catastrophes include,
  • terrorist attacks
  • assassinations of political leaders
  • “natural” disasters
  • industrial “accidents”
  • armed assaults against citizens (Waco, Ruby Ridge, Kent State)
  • economic assaults in the form of economic crashes like 1929 or more recently the banker bailouts, both massive redistribution scams
The prevailing feature in all of these circumstances, whether manmade or “natural,” is the transference of culpability followed by the government’s predictable exploitation of any and all circumstances.

False flag operations manipulate individuals, either dupes or well-paid, skilled operatives - who masquerade as purported enemy aggressors. Aircraft or ships are either camouflaged to conceal their identity or marked in such a way as to confuse witnesses. The operation is compartmentally constructed in such a way that individuals participate in a small part of the venture without knowing the entire scope of the operation.
After the fact, their willing but unwary participation might insure their silence.
False flag operations accelerated after the formation of government intelligence agencies, like the CIA, again at the behest of private interests with the ready assistance of the media who introduce false leads to sustain the preconceived cover story.
A false flag operation where innocent people are murdered invariably supplies the pretext for a military invasion where even more killing occurs including unwary U.S. soldiers who believe they are fighting for their country.

Ambrose Pierce, the satirist, and creator of The Devil’s Dictionary defined politics as,
“A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles, the conduct of public affairs for private advantage.” [2]

  • On January 24, 1898, during a Cuban insurrection against Spain, the USS Maine arrived at Havana, where it had been sent to allegedly protect some U.S. citizens living there.

    In reality, U.S. corporations, with about $50 million invested in the production and distribution of Cuban sugar and tobacco, had concerns about their investments. On February 15, 1898, while it was docked in Havana Harbor, a devastating explosion sank the ship. The incident killed 260 Americans. We now know that is was an internal explosion, not the result of an attack.

    However, the citizens were fueled by warmongers in the print media who pushed the slogan, “Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain.”

    Outraged citizens agreed to retaliate and go to war against Spain because of the incident. Congress, which was wholly controlled by private interests, declared war on April 25, 1898. Two days later, the U.S. sent 11,000 occupational troops to the resource-rich Philippines, a Spanish colony and the real target.

    The Filipinos resisted America’s “liberation” efforts for three years during which several thousand civilians were slaughtered.

    The strategic location of the Philippines would provide easier access to the riches of Asia, a highly populated area replete with abundant resources and almost numberless people who had been hoarding and passing down their gold and treasures for centuries.

    With the deceptive establishment of the privately owned Federal Reserve printing press by a compromised Congress, large-scale, debt-based warfare became even more feasible, its costs being shifted to U.S. citizens and their children and grandchildren.

  • World War I in Europe was initially provoked by the assassination of an Austrian Archduke. But that was hardly an interest to Americans who had to feel some sense of personal outrage in order to justify U.S. military participation in a foreign war where American soldiers were likely to be killed. The Lusitania, an armed British passenger vessel deceptively flew the American flag and carried ammunition from U.S. companies bound for belligerent Britain.

    The ship, described as “live bait” by Winston Churchill, a Rothschild minion, was deliberately sent into harm’s way. Her military escort inexplicably withdrew and the ship dramatically slowed down and abandoned the defensive zigzag pattern of travel. In early February 1915, the British Admiralty, under the direction of Churchill, had ordered British merchant ships, like the Lusitania, to ram German submarines on sight.

    The Lusitania, borrowed by the British government and reclassified as an auxiliary cruiser, was equipped with bases for mounting guns. [3]

    Germany was aware of Churchill’s orders by February 15. On April 22, 1915, Germany, through its U.S. Embassy warned Americans not to travel on British ships in the war zone. They also paid to advertise the warning in The New York Times on that same day. [4]

    The warning was not printed in the Times until the day of departure. The Germans predictably attacked on May 7, 1915 and 785 people, including 128 Americans perished, but it ultimately got the U.S. into World War I.

    Lenin said,
    “The first World War gave us Russia, while the Second World War will hand Europe to us.” [5]
    For Lenin, a true Marxist, world revolution was the goal. 

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